1,000+ students tutored
Five stars

Group Tutoring in Melbourne That Actually Helps You Improve At School

Group tutoring for all subjects that helps you maximise your academic potential.

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1st session satisfaction guarantee
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Average student grade increase by ~23%
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Toni H

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1 day ago
We have loved for years the excellent tutorial support and care. We highly recommend this company to anyone.
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Finding a Group tutor has never been easier

Online form for tutoring icon

1. Fill out an online form

Complete a two-minute application form and let our Operation Managers know you are interested in organising a group tutor.
Matching with tutors icon

2. Get matched with a tutor

Each application is reviewed. Then, students are matched with a group tutor based on their individual needs.
Getting in contact with tutor for a session icon

3. Tutor makes contact

Once the group tutor has confirmed their availability, they will get in contact with you to organise a session.
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4. Have your first lesson

Have your session at your desired location. Our group tutors will work around your schedule to organise a session.
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Students Tutored
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Median Tutor ATAR
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Increased Scores in School

Benefits of Group tutoring with Apex tuition australia

Group tutoring offers a cost-effective and collaborative learning environment, enabling students to benefit from diverse perspectives while sharing the financial burden. This approach not only enriches academic understanding but also fosters essential soft skills like teamwork and communication.
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Cost-effective tutoring solutuon

One of the most compelling advantages of group tutoring is its affordability. Sharing the cost of a tutor among multiple students significantly reduces the financial burden on each individual. This enables you to access high-quality education and expert guidance without breaking the bank. It's a win-win situation where you get the educational support you need at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one tutoring.

The more students in a group, the cheaper the cost per student. To find out more details about group tutoring pricing please contact our Operations team.

Immediate peer feedback icon

Immediate peer feedback

Feedback doesn't have to come solely from the tutor. Your peers can offer immediate insights into your approach, point out errors you might have missed, or offer alternative methods to tackle a problem. This multifaceted feedback system enriches the learning experience and can lead to quicker academic progress.

Group tutoring introduces you to the power of collaborative learning. Working with peers exposes you to different perspectives and problem-solving strategies. You can learn not only from the tutor but also from the questions, answers, and discussions generated by your fellow students. Research shows that peer-to-peer learning is instrumental in enhancing comprehension and retention.

Learn with friends icon

Learn with friends and like-minded peers

What could be better than learning with friends or those who share similar educational goals? In group tutoring, you get to select who you do the tutoring with. This creates a comfortable and familiar learning environment, making the educational journey more enjoyable and less stressful.

Accountability and motivation icon

Accountability and motivation

When you're part of a study group, you're more likely to be accountable for your learning. The mere presence of peers can serve as motivation, encouraging you to come prepared and participate actively. Moreover, seeing a fellow student grasp a challenging concept can act as a catalyst, boosting your confidence and determination to succeed.

tutor green icon
At the moment, Apex Tuition Australia is only offering group tutoring to groups who bring all the students. We are not creating groups for individuals to join.

Why 500+ Students in melbourne are choosing Apex Tuition Australia For their group tutoring

Tutor median ATAR rating icon

Best tutors in the state with median ATAR of 99.00

Tutor verification icon

All tutors are verified and have a WWCC

Tutoring options icon

Tutoring options for in-person and online

Contracts and payments icon

No lock-in contracts and payments managed online

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Online management and payment saves time and hassle

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tutoring arrangements

There is only one choice for your Group Tutoring Partner in melbourne

Tutoring marketplaces
Independent tutors
Tutors are vetted, confirmed high-achievers and have a verified WWCC
Online, in-person and group tutoring available
Tutors available for all subjects, all ages and all locations
Flexibility to try new tutors and organise replacement tutors
1st session satisfaction guarantee
Easy to manage online payments
Dedicated management team focussed on organise your tutoring

Trusted by parents from the top schools in melbourne


see what group tutoring clients are telling us

Star ratings or good reviews for tutoring icon

I highly recommend Louis as a tutor for Chemistry and Maths! He has been instrumental in helping Daniel understand complex concepts and formulas in both subjects. Thanks to Louis's patient and engaging teaching style, Daniel has improved his grades and his confidence in tackling challenging problems.

Mother of Daniel, class of 2022
Profile of one of our customers, Cath
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Our most frequently asked questions about Apex Tuition Australia

Have any questions now answered here? Get in contact with us and we will respond as soon as possible

Tutoring session
In what locations does Apex Tuition Australia provide tutoring?
How do I start tutoring?
How much is a private tutor?
What subjects do you teach?
Who are the tutors? What qualifications do they have?
How do I pay?
Are there any discounts available for packages?
Do your tutors know the current curriculum?
How to find a private tutor?
How can I contact my tutor?
Is there a free trial?

Ready to find a life changing tutor?

Check out some of our most popular services below