Best tutors in the state with median ATAR of 99.00
All tutors are verified and have a WWCC
Tutoring options for in-person and online
No lock-in contracts and payments managed online
Online management and payment saves time and hassle
Group tutoring for all subjects that helps you maximise your academic potential.
One of the most compelling advantages of group tutoring is its affordability. Sharing the cost of a tutor among multiple students significantly reduces the financial burden on each individual. This enables you to access high-quality education and expert guidance without breaking the bank. It's a win-win situation where you get the educational support you need at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one tutoring.
The more students in a group, the cheaper the cost per student. To find out more details about group tutoring pricing please contact our Operations team.
Feedback doesn't have to come solely from the tutor. Your peers can offer immediate insights into your approach, point out errors you might have missed, or offer alternative methods to tackle a problem. This multifaceted feedback system enriches the learning experience and can lead to quicker academic progress.
Group tutoring introduces you to the power of collaborative learning. Working with peers exposes you to different perspectives and problem-solving strategies. You can learn not only from the tutor but also from the questions, answers, and discussions generated by your fellow students. Research shows that peer-to-peer learning is instrumental in enhancing comprehension and retention.
What could be better than learning with friends or those who share similar educational goals? In group tutoring, you get to select who you do the tutoring with. This creates a comfortable and familiar learning environment, making the educational journey more enjoyable and less stressful.
When you're part of a study group, you're more likely to be accountable for your learning. The mere presence of peers can serve as motivation, encouraging you to come prepared and participate actively. Moreover, seeing a fellow student grasp a challenging concept can act as a catalyst, boosting your confidence and determination to succeed.
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