Best tutors in the state with median ATAR of 99.00
All tutors are verified and have a WWCC
Convenient tutoring in whatever location you want
No lock-in contracts and payments managed online
Online management and payment saves time and hassle
Our mission at Apex Tuition Australia is to help families around Australia find tutoring solutions that are effective, convenient and efficient. We make finding a tutor easy by providing in-person and online tutoring solutions. Moreover, our broad team can cover all subjects, so no matter the request, we are sure we can find someone who can help! At the moment, we specialise in:
Our tutors know exactly what it takes to succeed. Not only do they operate as teachers, but our tutors act as role models to their students. Often our tutors are able to make connections with their students that teachers are not able to. This is the magic of tutoring with our tutors.
Over the last 10 years, Apex Tuition Australia has:
At Apex Tuition Australia, we believe that the right tutor can make all the difference. That’s why we gather extensive details from you about your child’s learning style, academic challenges, and personal preferences. With this information, we use our years of experience and detailed database of tutors to find the perfect match for your child. We only assign tutors who are experts in their subjects—meaning they have completed the subject themselves and possess that inside knowledge—or tutors with extensive previous tutoring experience.
Our tutors are not just knowledgeable; they are passionate about teaching and committed to their students’ success. They bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, ensuring that your child receives top-notch instruction. We only match you with a tutor who intimately knows the curriculum either via completing it or having tutored it extensively.
We work closely with your child’s curriculum to ensure that they are well-prepared for their schoolwork and exams. Our tutors align their teaching with what your child is learning in school, providing targeted support that reinforces classroom lessons and helps your child stay ahead.
Our goal is to help your child achieve their academic objectives and build confidence in their abilities. By creating tailored learning plans, we address their individual challenges and strengths, providing a structured yet flexible approach to learning. Our tutors continually assess progress and adjust their teaching strategies to ensure that your child is always on the path to improvement and success