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WACE Exam Timetable 2024: Your Guide to Success in Western Australia

The WACE exams are key to your senior education. This guide offers the 2024 timetable and tips to help you excel, including how to use past papers effectively.

Grace Magusara
Operations Co-Ordinator
August 29, 2024
min read

The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) exams are a crucial part of your senior secondary education. This comprehensive guide provides you with the official WACE exam timetable for 2024, along with valuable tips to help you excel in your exams and make the most of past papers.

WACE Exam Timetable 2024

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has released the official WACE exam timetable for 2024. Here's an overview of some key exam dates:

2024 Year 12 ATAR Course Written Examinations Timetable

2024 Year 12 ATAR Course Written Examinations Timetable

Day Date Start time: 9:20 am Start time: 2:00 pm
Monday 28 October PSY: Psychology BLY: Biology
Tuesday 29 October GEO: Geography BME: Business Management and Enterprise
Wednesday 30 October ENG: English ELD: English as an Additional Language or Dialect
Thursday 31 October CHE: Chemistry HEA: Health Studies
KOR: Korean: Second Language
Friday 1 November *MAA: Mathematics Applications MPA: Media Production and Analysis
CSL: Chinese: Second Language
Monday 4 November *MAM: Mathematics Methods HIM: Modern History
Tuesday 5 November HBY: Human Biology HIA: Ancient History
CFC: Children, Family and the Community
MUS: Music
Wednesday 6 November APS: Animal Production Systems
ISC: Integrated Science
PHY: Physics
AIT: Applied Information Technology
FSL: French: Second Language
IND: Indonesian: Second Language
Thursday 7 November PAL: Politics and Law VAR: Visual Arts
Friday 8 November AVN: Aviation
CFL: Chinese: First Language
LIT: Literature
ACF: Accounting and Finance
ITB: Italian: Background Language
Monday 11 November ECO: Economics CSC: Computer Science
DAN: Dance
Tuesday 12 November CAE: Career and Enterprise
PAE: Philosophy and Ethics
REL: Religion and Life
EST: Engineering Studies
JSL: Japanese: Second Language
Wednesday 13 November EES: Earth and Environmental Science
*MAS: Mathematics Specialist
DRA: Drama
OED: Outdoor Education
Thursday 14 November PES: Physical Education Studies FST: Food Science and Technology
MDT: Materials Design and Technology
Friday 15 November DES: Design
GBL: German: Background Language
ISL: Italian: Second Language

Essential Tips for WACE Exam Success

Here are some proven strategies to help you perform your best in the WACE exams:

  1. Know your syllabuses: Familiarise yourself with the syllabuses for each of your ATAR courses, ensuring you've covered all required content.
  2. Utilise past exams: Use past WACE exams to understand the format and types of questions you'll encounter.
  3. Develop a study schedule: Create a balanced study plan that covers all your subjects, with extra time for challenging areas.
  4. Practise active learning: Engage with the material through practice questions, summarising, and teaching concepts to others.
  5. Maintain well-being: Prioritise regular exercise, a balanced diet, and consistent sleep, especially as exams approach.

Maximising the Benefits of Past Papers

Past papers are an excellent resource for HSC exam preparation. Here's how to use them effectively:

  • Start early: Begin working through past papers several months before your exams to familiarise yourself with the format and types of questions.
  • Replicate exam conditions: Time yourself and complete full papers without interruptions to improve your time management skills.
  • Analyse your performance: After completing a past paper, review your answers carefully and identify areas for improvement.
💡 Pro tip - keep a log of all questions you get wrong during your revision and repeat them closer to your exam date
  • Focus on weak points: Use your performance on past papers to pinpoint topics that need more attention in your study schedule.
  • Track your progress: Keep a record of your scores on different past papers to monitor your improvement over time.
💡 For access to past papers, go here: SCSA Past WACE Examinations

Remember, thorough preparation and a positive attitude are key to success in your WACE exams. Stay focused, manage your time wisely, and don't forget to take care of your well-being during this important period. Good luck with your studies and upcoming exams!

WACE Resources

We have a ton of great resources for WACE students looking to excel. One of our most popular resources is our Ultimate Guide to Metalanguage. This document has 500+ metalanguage terms that any English or Literature must need to know to do well in your exam.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.