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Understanding the New QCE System: A Guide for Australian High School Students and Parents

The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system has changed, impacting senior schooling and future opportunities for Australian students. This guide explores the new QCE system's effects on high school education in Australia.

Tristan Blake
Senior Educational Analyst
June 26, 2024
min read

The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system has undergone significant changes, affecting senior schooling and future opportunities for Australian students. This comprehensive guide explores the new QCE system and its impact on high school education in Australia.

What is the QCE?

The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is Queensland's internationally recognized senior schooling qualification. It offers a flexible system that allows students to design their own learning pathway, whether they're aiming for university, vocational education, or entering the workforce directly after high school.

Key Points About the QCE:

  • Awarded upon completion of Year 12 (typically)
  • Requires a set amount of learning at a set standard
  • Must meet literacy and numeracy requirements
  • Allows for continued work towards achievement after leaving school

Changes to the QCE System

The Queensland Government has invested $70 million in updating the QCE system to better prepare students for future challenges. These changes have implications for teaching methods and student preparation. Key updates include:

  1. New and revised QCAA senior syllabuses
  2. Introduction of General and Applied subjects
  3. Fewer formal assessments
  4. Implementation of statewide external exams
  5. Discontinuation of the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test
  6. Introduction of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for tertiary entrance

Subject Types in the New QCE System

The new QCE system offers various types of subjects and courses to meet different student goals:

QCAA Subjects

Subject Type Description QCE Credits ATAR Contribution
General Prepares for tertiary study Up to 4 per subject Yes
Applied Focuses on practical skills Up to 4 per subject One subject may contribute
Short Courses Foundation for further learning 1 per course No

Other Options

Assessment in the New QCE System

Understanding the assessment structure is crucial for students to perform well. The new system includes various assessment types:

General Subjects:

  • 3 internal assessments (set and marked by schools)
  • 1 external assessment (set and marked by QCAA)
  • Most subjects: 75% internal, 25% external
  • Mathematics and Science: 50% internal, 50% external

Applied Subjects:

  • 4 internal assessments (set and marked by schools)
  • Essential English and Essential Mathematics include one common internal assessment

External Assessment

Starting in 2020, students taking General subjects will sit external assessments in Term 4 each year. These crucial exams are structured as follows:

  • Pen and paper exams
  • Same time across Queensland
  • Practice papers available from Term 3, 2019
  • 2020 timetable published early in Term 1, 2020
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Preparing for Success in the New QCE System

To excel in the new QCE system, students should consider the following strategies:

  1. Develop a strong Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan in Year 10
  2. Choose a balanced mix of subjects that align with interests and goals
  3. Focus on developing 21st-century skills like critical thinking and communication
  4. Maintain consistent study habits throughout Years 11 and 12
  5. Seek additional support from tutors or teachers when needed


The new QCE system brings exciting changes and opportunities for Australian high school students. Understanding these changes is crucial for success, whether aiming for university, vocational training, or entering the workforce directly after school.

For additional support or guidance in navigating the new QCE system, students and parents can benefit from working with qualified Australian high school tutors. Professional tutoring services can help students make the most of their senior schooling years and prepare for a bright future.

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