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Insights from the QCE English 2024 Examiner Report

In 2024, 31,921 students started QCE English, but only 27,246 completed Units 3 & 4—a drop of 4,675. The decline suggests factors like assessment difficulty or changing priorities influenced retention.

Grace Magusara
Operations Co-Ordinator
March 3, 2025
min read

The 2024 QCE English subject report reveals a notable decline in student retention across the four-unit course. A total of 31,921 students completed Unit 1, but this number dropped to 29,835 in Unit 2, indicating that around 2,086 students did not continue past the initial unit. The decrease continued into Units 3 and 4, with 27,246 students completing the final units, representing an overall drop of 4,675 students from the start of the course. This trend suggests that while a strong majority of students progress through to the final assessment phase, a portion disengage before completion. Various factors could contribute to this, including the increasing complexity of assessments, shifting academic priorities, or external pressures influencing students' subject selections.

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Understanding the QCE English Exam

The QCE English external assessment is a critical component of the subject, forming 25% of a student’s final result. This exam assesses students' ability to analyse and evaluate literary texts, demonstrating their understanding of how perspectives, representations, and textual features shape meaning. According to the QCE English syllabus, the exam takes the form of an analytical written response, where students construct a sustained and cohesive argument in response to an unseen question. They must draw upon their knowledge of a prescribed literary text, applying critical thinking and textual analysis skills to develop a well-supported interpretation. The exam is designed to assess students’ ability to engage deeply with literature, showcasing their capacity to construct logical arguments, integrate textual evidence, and use sophisticated language choices appropriate to an academic audience.

💡Ace your QCE English exam with this comprehensive guide!

Key Insights from the 2024 QCE English Examination Report

The 2024 QCE English examination report provides valuable insights into student performance, highlighting key skills for success, common pitfalls, and areas for improvement. The report emphasises the importance of structured and insightful analysis, demonstrating a clear understanding of how literary texts construct meaning. High-achieving responses showcased a discerning interpretation of perspectives and representations, effectively integrated textual evidence, and maintained cohesion and fluency throughout their arguments.

Key Skills for QCE English Students

Strong responses in the analytical written response section exhibited:

  • A clear and focused thesis – Successful students developed a nuanced argument that responded precisely to the question, avoiding broad or generic statements.
  • Sustained textual analysis – Rather than summarising the text, top responses analysed how textual features and stylistic devices shaped meaning, demonstrating an awareness of authorial intent.
  • Strategic use of evidence – High-scoring essays incorporated well-chosen quotes and examples to support claims, rather than relying on overly descriptive recounting of the plot.
  • Logical organisation and coherence – The best responses followed a clear structure, with each paragraph contributing meaningfully to the overall argument.
  • Sophisticated language choices – Top students used formal and precise language, demonstrating control over sentence structure, grammar, and academic tone.

Advice for Students from the 2024 Report

The examination report offered several recommendations for students aiming to improve their performance:

  • Engage deeply with the prescribed text – Surface-level responses often struggled to achieve higher marks. Students should aim to explore multiple layers of meaning and understand the text within its broader cultural and historical context.
  • Address the question directly – A recurring issue was students relying on pre-prepared responses that did not align with the specific exam prompt. Instead, they should adapt their knowledge and analysis to the question.
  • Use literary terminology accurately – While many students attempted to use technical language, weaker responses often misused terms or applied them inconsistently.
  • Plan before writing – Effective responses demonstrated structured thinking, suggesting that students who took time to plan their argument produced more coherent essays.
  • Balance breadth and depth – Some students provided too many superficial points, while others focused too narrowly on one aspect of the text. The strongest essays found a balance, discussing a range of textual features with depth.

💡Check out this comprehensive guide that explores the new QCE system and its impact on high school education in Australia.

Common Mistakes in the 2024 QCE English Exam

The report highlighted several common pitfalls that hindered student success:

  1. Misinterpreting the question – Many students failed to directly address the exam prompt, instead relying on memorised responses that did not fit the task.
  2. Overly descriptive responses – Some essays retold the plot rather than analysing how the text constructed meaning.
  3. Weak integration of textual evidence – Lower-scoring responses either did not include quotes or included them without sufficient analysis, leaving claims unsubstantiated.
  4. Poor paragraph structure – Some essays lacked logical progression, resulting in disjointed arguments that did not build cohesively.
  5. Incorrect use of literary terminology – While many students attempted to use technical language, errors in application reduced the clarity of their analysis.
  6. Superficial engagement with texts – Weaker responses tended to focus on surface-level themes without examining how language and stylistic choices shaped meaning.
  7. Grammar and sentence structure issues – A lack of proofreading and revision led to frequent errors in sentence fluency and clarity.

Final Thoughts

The 2024 QCE English examination report reinforces the importance of deep textual engagement, precise analysis, and well-structured arguments. Students preparing for future assessments should focus on developing strong analytical skills, ensuring they can adapt their responses to specific questions rather than relying on memorised content. By refining these key areas, students can significantly improve their performance and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of literary texts.

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