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Insights from the QCE Chemistry 2024 Examiner Report

In 2024, 10,507 students started QCE Chemistry, but only 8,748 completed Units 3 & 4. The drop reflects the subject’s rigour, suggesting difficulty, workload, or other factors influenced student retention.

Grace Magusara
Operations Co-Ordinator
March 7, 2025
min read

The 2024 QCE Chemistry cohort saw a decline in student numbers as they progressed through the course. A total of 10,507 students completed Unit 1, but this number dropped to 9,749 for Unit 2 and further declined to 8,748 for Units 3 and 4. This attrition suggests that some students either discontinued the subject or did not meet the requirements to progress through to the final units. This pattern is consistent with the rigorous demands of Chemistry, which requires a strong grasp of theoretical and practical concepts. Schools and educators may find it beneficial to investigate the reasons behind this drop-off, whether it be due to difficulty in mastering the content, workload pressures, or other factors affecting student retention in senior Chemistry.

grade boundaries

Understanding the QCE Chemistry Exam: Format, Expectations, and Key Focus Areas

The QCE Chemistry external assessment is designed to evaluate students' understanding of key syllabus objectives through a rigorous examination process. This summative external assessment contributes 50% of the final subject result and is common to all schools, ensuring consistency and fairness in assessment across the state. The exam assesses content from Units 3 and 4, which cover Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Redox Reactions (Unit 3) and Structure, Synthesis and Design (Unit 4). Students are required to apply their knowledge to a range of question types, including multiple-choice, short-response, and extended-response questions. The exam is structured to test conceptual understanding, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities, with a strong emphasis on data analysis, practical applications, and scientific reasoning. This comprehensive assessment ensures that students can effectively interpret and evaluate chemical phenomena in real-world contexts.

💡Ace your QCE Chemistry exam with this comprehensive guide!

Insights from multiple choice questions in the 2024 Chemistry exam

The external assessment data provides insight into student performance across various exam questions. By analysing the distribution of responses, we can identify the questions that were the easiest and the most challenging for students.

  • Easiest Question: The easiest question was Question 8, where 87.74% of students selected the most common correct response in category A. This suggests that the majority of students found this question straightforward, likely due to familiarity with the concept or clear question phrasing.
  • Hardest Question: The hardest question was Question 7, with only 1.95% of students selecting the most common correct response in category B. This indicates a high level of difficulty, possibly due to complex problem-solving requirements, misinterpretation of the question, or a challenging concept that students struggled with.

Chemistry MCQ

Key Takeaways from the 2024 QCE Chemistry Examination Report

The 2024 QCE Chemistry examination report offers valuable insights into student performance, highlighting key skills that contributed to strong responses, common mistakes made, and specific advice for future candidates. Understanding these patterns can help students refine their exam strategies and improve their performance in the external assessment.

What Makes a Strong Chemistry Response?

Successful responses in the 2024 Chemistry exam demonstrated:

  • Accurate Application of Chemical Concepts – High-achieving students showcased a deep understanding of the syllabus content, applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and problem-solving questions with precision.
  • Clear and Logical Scientific Reasoning – The best responses included well-structured explanations, using correct terminology and demonstrating logical progression in calculations and justifications.
  • Correct Use of Chemical Equations and Data Interpretation – Students who scored well consistently wrote balanced chemical equations, used appropriate state symbols where required, and correctly applied stoichiometry in quantitative calculations.
  • Effective Analysis of Experimental Data – Strong responses accurately interpreted trends and patterns in graphical and tabular data, clearly linking their observations to theoretical principles.
  • Concise and Relevant Answers – High-scoring responses avoided unnecessary repetition and irrelevant information, focusing only on key points required by the question.

Chemistry students

Advice for Future Chemistry Students

The examination report provides targeted advice to students on how to improve their responses in future assessments. Some key recommendations include:

  • Mastering Core Syllabus Topics – Students should ensure they have a thorough understanding of Unit 3 (Equilibrium, Acids and Redox Reactions) and Unit 4 (Structure, Synthesis and Design), particularly focusing on applying concepts rather than just memorising facts.
  • Practising Data Interpretation and Graph Analysis – Many students struggled with extracting information from experimental data. Regular practice in reading and analysing graphs, tables, and scientific data sets is essential.
  • Using Scientific Language and Notation Correctly – Responses should demonstrate precise chemical terminology, including correct subscripts and superscripts for chemical formulas (e.g., H₂O, CO₂). Incorrect notation can lead to lost marks even if the overall understanding is correct.
  • Developing Problem-Solving Strategies – Students should practise multi-step calculations, ensuring they show their working clearly and include correct units in their final answers.
  • Managing Time Effectively – The external assessment requires answering multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended-response questions within a limited time. Practising under timed conditions can help improve efficiency.
💡Check out this comprehensive guide that explores the new QCE system and its impact on high school education in Australia.

Common Mistakes in the 2024 Exam

Despite strong performances in some areas, the report highlighted recurring errors across multiple questions:

  • Misinterpreting the Question Stem – Some students failed to respond directly to what was asked, often providing unnecessary information or answering only part of the question.
  • Errors in Balancing Chemical Equations – A frequent issue was incomplete or incorrect balancing of chemical equations, particularly in redox reactions.
  • Incorrect Use of Significant Figures and Units – Some responses showed correct calculations but lost marks due to rounding errors or missing/incorrect units.
  • Weak Justification in Extended Responses – Many students struggled to provide a clear and well-supported explanation for their reasoning, particularly in questions requiring evaluation of experimental results.
  • Lack of Application to Real-World Contexts – Some students failed to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar contexts, instead relying on rote-learned definitions without considering how the concept operates in practical situations.

Final Thoughts

Success in QCE Chemistry comes down to applying knowledge effectively, thinking critically, and communicating with precision. The 2024 exam report highlights that high-achieving students demonstrated strong problem-solving skills, accurate data interpretation, and well-structured justifications. Avoiding common pitfalls—such as misreading questions, errors in significant figures, and weak explanations—can significantly improve performance. By refining these skills through consistent practice and focusing on syllabus objectives, students can approach their exams with confidence and maximise their results.

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