Are you tackling the WACE Physics ATAR course in Western Australia? This guide is your road map to success.
The Physics ATAR course is challenging, but it's also a gateway to exciting careers in science and technology. Whether you're aiming for top marks or looking to boost your ATAR, mastering Physics can make all the difference.
Get ready to transform your Physics knowledge and approach the WACE exam with confidence.
Summary of Units
Below we will cover Units 3 and 4 in Year 12 - Physics ATAR Course and all the sub-topics you will need to understand to do well on your Physics exam:
Unit 3 – Gravity and electromagnetism
This unit focuses on deepening students' understanding of motion and its causes using Newton’s Laws of Motion and gravitational field theory. Students analyse various types of motion, including motion on inclined planes, projectiles, and satellites. They also study electromagnetic interactions, applying this knowledge to understand the operation of motors, generators, and power distribution systems.
The unit covers technologies such as artificial satellites, electric cars, and medical imaging, while exploring how theories of gravity and electromagnetism have evolved through scientific, social, and ethical influences. Students will develop skills in interpreting data, vector fields, and conducting investigations to understand these concepts and their relevance to contemporary issues like sustainability.
Science Inquiry Skills
- Identify, research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict possible outcomes
- Design investigations, including the procedure to be followed, the materials required, and the type and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and consider research ethics
- Conduct investigations, including the manipulation of force measurers and electromagnetic devices, safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable data
- Represent data in meaningful and useful ways, including using appropriate Système Internationale (SI) units, symbols, and significant figures; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns and relationships; identify sources of uncertainty and techniques to minimise these uncertainties; utilise uncertainty and percentage uncertainty to determine the uncertainty in the result of simple calculations, and evaluate the impact of measurement uncertainty on experimental results; and select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
- Interpret a range of scientific and media texts, and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by considering the accuracy and precision of available evidence; and use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
- Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including text and graphic representations of empirical and theoretical relationships, vector diagrams, free body/force diagrams, field diagrams and circuit diagrams, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve problems and make predictions
- Select, use and interpret appropriate mathematical representations, including linear and non-linear graphs and algebraic relationships representing physical systems, to solve problems and make predictions
- Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, nomenclature, genres and modes, including scientific reports

Science as a Human Endeavour
Gravity and motion
Artificial satellites are used for communication, navigation, remote-sensing and research. Their orbits and uses are classified by altitude (low, medium or high Earth orbits) and by inclination (equatorial, polar and sun-synchronous orbits). Communication via satellite is now used for global positioning systems (GPS), satellite phones and television. Navigation services support management and monitoring of traffic and aircraft movement. Geographic information science uses data from satellites to monitor population movement, biodiversity and ocean currents.
Science Understanding
Gravity and motion
- The movement of free-falling bodies in Earth’s gravitational field is predictable
- All objects with mass attract one another with a gravitational force; the magnitude of this force can be calculated using Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
- Objects with mass produce a gravitational field in the space that surrounds them; field theory attributes the gravitational force on an object to the presence of a gravitational field
- When a mass moves or is moved from one point to another in a gravitational field and its potential energy changes, work is done on the mass by the field
- Gravitational field strength is defined as the net force per unit mass at a particular point in the field
- The vector nature of the gravitational force can be used to analyse motion on inclined planes byconsidering the components of the gravitational force (that is, weight) parallel and perpendicular to the plane
- Projectile motion can be analysed quantitatively by treating the horizontal and vertical components of the motion independently
- When an object experiences a net force of constant magnitude perpendicular to its velocity, it will undergo uniform circular motion, including circular motion on a horizontal plane and around a banked track, and vertical circular motion
- Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and todescribe the motion of planets and other satellites, modelled as uniform circular motion
- When an object experiences a net force at a distance from a pivot and at an angle to the lever arm, it will experience a torque or moment about that point
- For a rigid body to be in equilibrium, the sum of the forces and the sum of the moments must be zero
Science as a Human Endeavour
Electromagnetism is utilised in a range of technological applications, including:
- DC electric motor with commutator, and back emf
- AC and DC generators
- Transformers
- Regenerative braking
- Induction hotplates
- Large scale AC power distribution systems.
Science Understanding
- Electrostatically charged objects exert a force upon one another; the magnitude of this force can be calculated using Coulomb’s Law
- Point charges and charged objects produce an electric field in the space that surrounds them; field theory attributes the electrostatic force on a point charge or charged body to the presence of an electric field
- A positively charged body placed in an electric field will experience a force in the direction of the field; the strength of the electric field is defined as the force per unit charge
- When a charged body moves or is moved from one point to another in an electric field and its potential energy changes, work is done on the charge by the field
- The direction of conventional current is that in which the flow of positive charges takes place, while the electron flow is in the opposite direction
- Current-carrying wires are surrounded by magnetic fields; these fields are utilised in solenoids and electromagnets
- The strength of the magnetic field produced by a current is a measure of the magnetic flux density
- Magnets, magnetic materials, moving charges and current-carrying wires experience a force in amagnetic field when they cut flux lines; this force is utilised in DC electric motors and particleaccelerators
- The force due to a current in a magnetic field in a DC electric motor produces a torque on the coil in the motor
- An induced emf is produced by the relative motion of a straight conductor in a magnetic field when the conductor cuts flux lines
- Magnetic flux is defined in terms of magnetic flux density and area
- A changing magnetic flux induces a potential difference; this process of electromagnetic induction is used in step-up and step-down transformers, DC and AC generators
- Conservation of energy, expressed as Lenz’s Law of electromagnetic induction, is used to determine the direction of induced current
Unit 4 – Revolutions in modern physics
This unit explores how quantum theory and the theory of relativity transformed our understanding of nature, leading to breakthroughs in technology, such as information storage, processing, and communication. Students study the limitations of earlier theories, which gave rise to the special theory of relativity and quantum theory. They examine the quantum theory of light, the Standard Model of particle physics, and the Big Bang theory.
Students investigate technologies like GPS, lasers, and quantum computers, as well as phenomena such as black holes and dark matter. They also explore how scientific theories evolve through social, economic, and ethical influences, and examine how science contributes to debates on global issues like sustainability. Through investigations, students apply their knowledge of relativity, quantum theory, and atomic phenomena to explain observations and develop skills in evaluating evidence and defining the limitations of scientific models.
Science Inquiry Skills
- Identify, research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict possible outcomes
- Design investigations, including the procedure to be followed, the materials required, and the type and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and consider research ethics
- Conduct investigations, including use of simulations and manipulation of spectral devices, safely,competently and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable data
- Represent data in meaningful and useful ways, including using appropriate Système Internationale (SI) units, symbols, and significant figures; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns and relationships; identify sources of uncertainty and techniques to minimise these uncertainties; utilise uncertainty and percentage uncertainty to determine the cumulative uncertainty resulting from simple calculations, and evaluate the impact of measurement uncertainty on experimental results; and select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
- Interpret a range of scientific and media texts, and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by considering the quality of available evidence; and use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
- Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including text and graphic representations of empirical and theoretical relationships, simulations and atomic energy level diagrams, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve problems and make predictions
- Select, use and interpret appropriate mathematical representations, including linear and non-linear graphs and algebraic relationships representing physical systems, to solve problems and make predictions
- Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, nomenclature, genres and modes, including scientific reports

Science as a Human Endeavour
Wave particle duality and the quantum theory
Models that were initially rejected can be revisited as more evidence becomes available. For many years, the presence of the luminiferous ether was proposed as the medium by which light is propagated. Around 1800, Thomas Young showed through experimentation that light passing through a double slit showed interference and thus wave properties. The wave explanation of Young’s double-slit demonstration was initially rejected until other physicists, including Fresnel and Poisson, showed that light was able to undergo diffraction, a property of waves. Later, in the 1860s, James Clerk Maxwell developed a theory of electromagnetism and showed that electromagnetic waves would travel through space at the speed of light, implying light was an electromagnetic wave.
The use of devices developed from the application of quantum physics, including the laser and photovoltaic cells, have significantly changed many aspects of society.
Science Understanding
Wave particle duality and the quantum theory
- Light exhibits many wave properties; however, it cannot only be modelled as a mechanical wave because it can travel through a vacuum
- A wave model explains a wide range of light-related phenomena, including reflection, refraction,dispersion, diffraction and interference, such as in Young’s double-slit experiment. A transverse wave model is required to explain polarisation
- Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves made up of mutually perpendicular, oscillating electric and magnetic fields
- Oscillating charges produce electromagnetic waves of the same frequency as the oscillation;electromagnetic waves cause charges to oscillate at the frequency of the wave
- Atomic phenomena and the interaction of light with matter indicate that states of matter and energy are quantised into discrete values
- On the atomic level, electromagnetic radiation is emitted or absorbed in discrete packets called photons.
- The energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency. The constant of proportionality, Planck’sconstant, can be determined experimentally using the photoelectric effect and the threshold voltage of coloured LEDs
- Black body radiation and the photoelectric effect are explained using the concept of light quanta
- Atoms of an element emit and absorb specific wavelengths of light that are unique to that element; this is the basis of spectral analysis
- The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom integrates light quanta and atomic energy states to explain the specific wavelengths in the hydrogen spectrum and in the spectra of other simple atoms; this model enables line spectra to be correlated with atomic energy-level diagrams and explains the phenomenon of fluorescence and phosphorescence
- On the atomic level, energy and matter exhibit the characteristics of both waves and particles. Young’s double-slit experiment is explained with a wave model but produces the same interference and diffraction patterns when one photon at a time or one electron at a time is passed through the slits

Science as a Human Endeavour
Special relativity
Research studies of cosmic rays show that interactions between cosmic rays and the upper atmosphere produce muons. These particles have a lifetime of about two microseconds and should have ceased to exist before reaching the surface of the Earth. However, because they are travelling near the speed of light, the time dilation effect allows them to complete their journey. Continuing research in the field of high-energy physics is important for improving our understanding of our world and its origins.
Science Understanding
Special relativity
- Observations of objects travelling at very high speeds cannot be explained by Newtonian physics. These include the dilated half-life of high-speed muons created in the upper atmosphere, and the momentum of high-speed particles in particle accelerators
- Einstein’s special theory of relativity predicts significantly different results to those of Newtonian physics for velocities approaching the speed of light
- The special theory of relativity is based on two postulates: that the speed of light in a vacuum is an absolute constant, and that all inertial reference frames are equivalent
- Motion can only be measured relative to an observer; length and time are relative quantities thatdepend on the observer’s frame of reference
- Relativistic momentum increases at high relative speed and prevents an object from reaching the speed of light
- The concept of mass-energy equivalence emerged from the special theory of relativity and explains the source of the energy produced in nuclear reactions. The mass of an object is constant and independent of its motion
- The total energy of a moving object is the sum of the energy due to its mass at rest and kinetic energy
Science as a Human Endeavour
The Standard Model
The Big Bang theory describes the early development of the universe, including the formation of subatomic particles from energy and the subsequent formation of atomic nuclei. There is a variety of evidence that supports the Big Bang theory, including Cosmic Background Radiation, the abundance of light elements and the red shift of light from galaxies that obey Hubble’s Law. Alternative theories exist, including the Steady State theory, but the Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted theory today.

Science Understanding
The Standard Model
- The Big Bang theory explains the expansion of space, which is measured by red shift and is supported by Hubble’s law\
- The Standard Model is used to describe the evolution of forces and the creation of matter in the Big Bang theory
- High-energy particle accelerators use electric and magnetic fields to accelerate particles
- Mass-energy equivalence and the motion of high energy particles in accelerators can be used to test theories of particle physics, including the Standard Model
- Baryons and mesons are hadrons, which are composite particles made up of quarks
- The Standard Model is based on the premise that all matter in the universe is made up from elementary matter particles called quarks and leptons and their corresponding antiparticles. Fundamental particles interact via the four fundamental forces
- The Standard Model explains three of the four fundamental forces (strong, weak and electromagnetic forces) in terms of an exchange of force-carrying particles called gauge bosons; each force is mediated by a different type of gauge boson
- Lepton number, baryon number and electric charge are quantities that are conserved in all interactions between particles; these conservation laws can be used to support or invalidate proposed reactions
💡Study tip! Organise your notes by the headers and sub-headers in the syllabus. This ensures you cover everything that could be on the exam and keeps your notes super organised.
WACE Physics ATAR Year 12 Exam Format
WACE Physics ATAR Year 12 Grade A Description
Here is what an A looks like according to examiners.
💡Take notes efficiently and effectively using these tips!
Study Tips for WACE Physics ATAR Course Exam
- Master the Short Response Section (30% of exam)
- Practice answering questions quickly and concisely
- Focus on single-step problems involving diagrams, tables, calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions
- Revise key formulas and concepts for quick recall
- Prepare for Problem-solving Section (50% of exam)
- Practice multi-step problems and data analysis
- Work on interpreting complex scenarios and applying physics concepts to real-world situations
- Improve your skills in creating and interpreting diagrams, tables, and graphs
- Develop Comprehension Skills (20% of exam)
- Practice applying physics concepts to unfamiliar contexts
- Improve your ability to extract relevant information from written and graphical stimuli
- Work on linking different areas of the syllabus in your responses
- Time Management
- Practice working within the time constraints (3 hours total)
- Allocate time according to mark weightings:
- 50 minutes for Short Response
- 90 minutes for Problem-solving
- 40 minutes for Comprehension
- Use Past Papers and the Formula Sheet
- Familiarise yourself with the Formulae and Data booklet provided in the exam
- Practice using past WACE Physics ATAR exam papers under timed conditions
- Develop Calculation Skills
- Practice showing clear working for all calculations
- Remember to use correct units and give answers to three significant figures (unless otherwise specified)
- Improve Scientific Communication
- Practice using appropriate physics terminology and conventions
- Work on explaining complex concepts clearly and concisely
- Enhance Data Analysis Skills
- Practice interpreting and creating graphs, tables, and diagrams
- Work on identifying trends and relationships in data
💡Check out these scientifically proven strategies to improve how you study!

Mistakes to Avoid in WACE Physics ATAR Exam
- Neglecting Units and Significant Figures
- Always include appropriate units in your final answers
- Give final answers to three significant figures unless otherwise instructed
- For estimations, provide answers to a maximum of two significant figures
- Poor Time Management
- Don't spend too long on the Short Response section (30% of exam, 50 minutes)
- Ensure you leave enough time for the Problem-solving section (50% of exam, 90 minutes)
- Don't rush through the Comprehension section (20% of exam, 40 minutes)
- Misreading Questions
- Carefully read each question, especially in the Problem-solving and Comprehension sections
- Pay attention to keywords like "explain", "calculate", "compare", or "analyse"
- Inadequate Working Out
- Always show your working, even for seemingly simple calculations
- Marks are often awarded for correct working, even if the final answer is incorrect
- Overlooking the Formula and Data Booklet
- Don't waste time memorising formulas provided in the booklet
- Remember to use the booklet for constants and other relevant data
- Inconsistent Use of Terminology
- Use correct physics terminology consistently throughout your answers
- Avoid using colloquial terms when scientific terms are more appropriate
- Neglecting Diagram Analysis
- Pay close attention to diagrams, especially in the Problem-solving section
- Ensure your answers are consistent with the information provided in diagrams
- Incomplete Explanations
- In the Comprehension section, ensure your explanations are thorough
- Link your answers to relevant physics concepts and theories
- Ignoring Marks Allocation
- Use the marks allocated to each question as a guide for the depth of answer required
- Don't write lengthy responses for low-mark questions or brief answers for high-mark questions
- Overlooking Vector Nature of Quantities
- Remember that many quantities in physics are vectors (e.g., force, velocity)
- Consider direction as well as magnitude in your calculations and explanations
- Mishandling Uncertainties
- When dealing with experimental data, don't forget to consider uncertainties
- In calculations involving measurements, propagate uncertainties correctly
- Misinterpreting Graphs
- Pay attention to scales and units on graph axes
- Be careful when interpreting gradients, especially for non-linear graphs
Link to Past Papers
Why Past Papers are the Best Way to Revise for WACE Physics ATAR
- Familiarity with Question Structure
- WACE tends to use consistent question structures, which may differ from textbooks or other resources
- Regular practice with past papers helps you become comfortable with the exam format
- Understanding the typical structure of Short Response, Problem-solving, and Comprehension questions gives you a significant advantage
- Identifying Challenging Areas
- Quickly pinpoint which types of questions or content areas you find difficult
- Helps you focus your revision on weaker areas, such as specific topics in gravity, electromagnetism, or modern physics
- Time Management Practice
- Identify sections where you need to allocate more time
- Practice working within the specific time constraints of each section (50 minutes for Short Response, 90 minutes for Problem-solving, 40 minutes for Comprehension)
- Alignment with Syllabus
- Past papers reflect the current WACE Physics ATAR syllabus, ensuring you're revising relevant content
- Helps you understand how theoretical concepts are applied in exam questions
- Exposure to Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Practice interpreting graphs, tables, and diagrams specific to WACE Physics exams
- Improve skills in analysing experimental data and drawing conclusions
- Familiarity with Mark Allocation
- Understand how marks are typically allocated for different types of questions
- Learn to gauge the depth of answer required based on the marks available
- Practice with Formula and Data Booklet
- Get accustomed to using the provided Formula and Data booklet effectively
- Learn which formulas are provided and which you need to memorise
- Confidence Building
- Regular practice with past papers builds confidence in your ability to handle the exam
- Reduces exam anxiety by making the format and expectations familiar
❗Caution Note: When using past papers from several years ago, be aware that some topics may no longer be part of the current syllabus or may be assessed differently. Always cross-reference with the most recent WACE Physics ATAR syllabus to ensure you're focusing on currently relevant material. For example, changes in the treatment of modern physics topics or updates in accepted scientific theories might affect how certain questions are approached.

Final Preparation Tips for WACE Physics ATAR Exam
Week Before the Exam
- Review Key Concepts:
- Focus on major topics from Units 3 and 4: gravity and electromagnetism, wave particle duality, special relativity, and the Standard Model.
- Create summary sheets for quick revision.
- Practice Past Papers:
- Complete at least 2-3 full past WACE Physics ATAR exams under timed conditions.
- Pay attention to time management across all three sections.
- Refine Formula Usage:
- Practice quickly locating and applying formulas from the provided Formula and Data booklet.
- Ensure you understand which formulas aren't provided and need to be memorised.
- Strengthen Problem-Solving Skills:
- Focus on the Problem-solving section (50% of the exam), practicing multi-step problems.
- Work on interpreting complex scenarios and applying physics concepts to real-world situations.
- Improve Data Analysis:
- Practice interpreting graphs, tables, and diagrams specific to WACE Physics.
- Review how to draw conclusions from experimental data.
- Revise Practical Knowledge:
- Review key experiments from the course, understanding methodologies and potential sources of error.
- Enhance Scientific Communication:
- Practice explaining complex physics concepts concisely and clearly.
- Ensure you're using correct terminology consistently.
Night Before the Exam
- Light Review:
- Briefly go through your summary sheets, focusing on areas you find challenging.
- Review the structure of the exam and time allocations for each section.
- Organise Materials:
- Prepare all required items: blue/black pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, approved calculator(s), student ID.
- Check your calculator batteries.
- Mental Preparation:
- Avoid intensive studying. Instead, relax and build confidence in your preparation.
- Visualise successfully completing each section of the exam.
- Early Night:
- Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep to ensure you're well-rested for the exam.
Day of the Exam
- Healthy Breakfast:
- Eat a nutritious breakfast to fuel your brain. Consider foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for cognitive function.
- Arrival Time:
- Aim to arrive at the exam venue at least 30 minutes early to settle in and calm any nerves.
- Last-Minute Review:
- If you wish, do a quick glance over your summary sheets, but avoid trying to learn new material.
- Relaxation Techniques:
- Practice deep breathing or other relaxation techniques to calm pre-exam jitters.
- During the Exam:
- Use the 10-minute reading time to plan your approach, especially for the Problem-solving and Comprehension sections.
- Start with questions you're most confident about to build momentum.
- Remember to use your Formula and Data booklet effectively.
- Keep an eye on the time, especially during the Problem-solving section (90 minutes).
- After the Exam:
- Avoid immediately discussing answers with peers, as this can cause unnecessary stress.
- Take some time to relax and recharge before reviewing for your next exam.
Remember, the WACE Physics ATAR exam tests your understanding and application of physics concepts, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate scientific ideas effectively. Stay calm, trust your preparation, and approach each question methodically.
If you're struggling with certain topics, consider seeking help from a tutor familiar with the WACE Physics ATAR course. They can offer targeted support and strategies to boost your exam readiness.
Good luck with your exam!