Are you a South Australian high school student gearing up for your SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) Chemistry exam? Look no further! This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with all the knowledge and strategies you need to excel in your SACE Chemistry studies and ace that final exam.
Chemistry is a fascinating subject that forms the foundation of many scientific disciplines and career paths. However, it can also be challenging, especially when preparing for a high-stakes exam like the SACE Chemistry assessment. Whether you're aiming for that coveted A+ or simply want to boost your confidence before the big day, this blog post will provide you with invaluable insights, expert tips, and proven revision strategies.
So, grab your periodic table, put on your lab goggles (metaphorically, of course), and let's dive into the world of SACE Chemistry success!
Summary of Units
Below we will cover Stage 2 Chemistry and all the sub-topics you will need to understand to do well on your Chemistry exam:
Topic 1: Monitoring the environment
Population growth, industrialisation, and globalisation have increased the demand for natural resources and led to higher pollution levels. Many environmental problems are linked to human activities, a fact recognised by scientists. Chemists play a crucial role in monitoring these issues and advising on their impact. Technological advancements allow for better data collection and international collaboration.
In this topic, students engage in practical activities, develop skills, and analyse environmental problems. They study fossil fuel impacts, like global warming and ocean acidity, and use techniques such as chromatography and atomic spectroscopy to explore solutions.
Subtopic 1.1: Global warming and climate change
Science Understanding
- Some gases in the atmosphere, called ‘greenhouse gases’, keep the Earth’s atmosphere warmer than it would be without these gases. This is known as the ‘greenhouse effect’.
- Describe the action of the common greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane, to maintain a steady temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere.
- Anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases disrupt the thermal balance of the atmosphere.
- Explain the warming associated with global climate change and its consequences for the environment.
- Ocean acidification is caused by the ocean absorbing higher levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
- Describe and write equations to show how carbon dioxide lowers the pH of the oceans.
- Calculate the pH of solutions given the concentration of H+ or OH–, and vice versa.
- The exoskeletons and shells of many marine organisms are made of calcium carbonate and are vulnerable to dissolution at low pH.
- Explain, using equilibrium principles, the impact of altering ocean pH on the formation of carbonates.
- Write equations for carbonates reacting in acidic conditions.
Subtopic 1.2: Photochemical smog
Science Understanding
- Nitrogen oxides are formed in high-temperature engines and furnaces.
- Write equations, and explain the conditions necessary, for the formation of nitrogen oxides NO and NO2.
- Nitrogen oxides and ozone are pollutants in the troposphere that are associated with photochemical smog.
- Describe and write equations showing the role of nitrogen oxides in the formation of ozone in the troposphere.
- Describe the harmful effects of nitrogen oxides and ozone in the troposphere.
- Describe and write equations showing how catalytic converters reduce the quantities of nitrogen oxides generated by motor vehicles.
Subtopic 1.3: Volumetric analysis
Science Understanding
- Concentrations can be described by using a number of standard conventions.
- Calculate concentration and interconvert units, including: mol L−1, g L−1, %w/v, ppm, and ppb.
- Apply SI prefix conventions to quantities.
- Knowledge of the mole ratios of reactants can be used in quantitative calculations.
- Perform stoichiometric calculations when given the reaction equation and the necessary data.
- A titration can be used to determine the concentration of a solution of a reactant in a chemical reaction.
- Describe and explain the procedure involved in carrying out a titration, particularly rinsing glassware and determining the end-point.
- Determine the concentration of a solution of a reactant in a chemical reaction by using the results of a titration.
Subtopic 1.4: Chromatography
Science Understanding
- Chromatography techniques, including thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and ion chromatography (IC), involve the use of a stationary phase and a mobile phase to separate the components of a mixture.
- The rate of movement of the components is caused by the differences between the strengths of the interactions between atoms, molecules, or ions in the mobile and stationary phases.
- Predict the relative rates of movement of components along a stationary phase on the basis of their polarities and charge, given the structural formulae or relative polarities of the two phases.
- Data from chromatography techniques can be used to determine the composition and purity of substances.
- Calculate and apply values and retention times in the identification of components in a mixture.
- Ion chromatography (also known as ion exchange chromatography) is used to remove either cations or anions from a mixture by replacing them with ions of another type.
- Explain, using equilibrium principles, how ions attached to the surface of a resin can be exchanged with ions in aqueous solution.
Subtopic 1.5: Atomic spectroscopy
Science Understanding
- Flame tests and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) are analytical techniques that can be used to identify elements; these methods rely on electron transfer between atomic energy levels.
- Write the electron configuration using subshell notation of an atom or monatomic ion of any of the first 38 elements in the periodic table.
- Explain the effect of the absorption or emission of radiation on the electron configuration of electrons in atoms or ions.
- The wavelengths of radiation emitted and absorbed by an element are unique to that element and can be used to identify its presence in a sample.
- Explain why some wavelengths of radiation emitted and absorbed by an element are unique to that element.
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy is used for quantitative analysis.
- Explain the principles of atomic absorption spectroscopy in identifying elements in a sample.
- Describe the construction and use of calibration graphs in determining the concentration of an element in a sample.

Topic 2: Managing chemical processes
The chemical industry creates and modifies materials using various chemicals, enabling innovations and the development of new substances. In this topic, students explore how chemicals are produced, with a focus on creative thinking and green chemistry for improving efficiency and reducing energy use.
Building on their knowledge of reaction rates, students examine energy use and factors affecting reaction rates, applying equilibrium law and Le Châtelier’s principle to optimise chemical processes.
Subtopic 2.1: Rates of reactions
Science Understanding
- The rates of a reaction at different times can be compared by considering the slope of a graph of quantity or concentration of reactant or product against time.
- Draw and interpret graphs representing changes in quantities or concentration of reactants or products against time.
- Rates of reaction can be influenced by a number of factors, including the presence of inorganic and biological catalysts (enzymes).
- Predict and explain, using collision theory, the effect on rates of reaction due to changes in:
- Concentration
- Temperature
- Pressure (for reactions involving gases)
- Surface area
- The presence of a catalyst.
- Predict and explain, using collision theory, the effect on rates of reaction due to changes in:
- Energy profile diagrams can be used to represent the relative enthalpies of reactants and products, the activation energy, and the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction.
- Draw and interpret energy profile diagrams.
Subtopic 2.2: Equilibrium and yield
Science Understanding
- Chemical systems may be open or closed.
- Over time, reversible chemical reactions carried out in a closed system at fixed temperature eventually reach a state of chemical equilibrium.
- The changes in concentrations of reactants and products, as a system reaches equilibrium, can be represented graphically.
- Draw and interpret graphs representing changes in concentrations of reactants and products.
- The position of equilibrium in a chemical system at a given temperature can be indicated by a constant, Kc, related to the concentrations of reactants and products.
- Write Kc expressions that correspond to given reaction equations for homogeneous equilibrium systems.
- Undertake calculations involving Kc and initial and/or equilibrium quantities of reactants and products for homogeneous equilibrium systems.
- The final equilibrium concentrations, and hence position of equilibrium, for a given reaction depend on various factors.
- Predict and explain, using Le Châtelier’s principle, the effect on the equilibrium position of a system of a change in the:
- Concentration of a reactant or product
- Overall pressure of a gaseous mixture
- Temperature of an equilibrium mixture for which the △H value for the forward or back reaction is specified.
- Predict the change that occurred in a system, or whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic, given the effect of the change on the equilibrium position of the system.
Subtopic 2.3: Optimising production
Science Understanding
- Designing chemical-synthesis processes involves constructing reaction pathways that may include more than one chemical reaction.
- The steps in industrial chemical processes can be conveniently displayed in flow charts.
- Interpret flow charts and use them for such purposes as identifying raw materials, chemicals present at different steps in the process, waste products, and by-products.
- Industrial processes are designed to maximise profit and to minimise impact on the environment.
- Explain how certain reaction conditions represent a compromise that will give maximum yield in a short time.
- Explain the impact of increases in temperature and pressure on manufacturing conditions and costs, and on the environment.
- Explain how use of a catalyst may benefit both the manufacturer and the environment.

Topic 3: Organic and biological chemistry
Organic and biological chemistry focuses on areas like medical technology, genetic engineering, and pharmaceuticals. In this topic, students study key organic compounds, especially those with biological importance. They explore reactions, preparations, and use specialized glassware to enhance lab skills.
Students also learn international naming protocols and structural formulae for organic compounds. They examine the properties of functional groups, including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, esters, and amides, and investigate three biologically important compounds: carbohydrates, triglycerides, and proteins.
Subtopic 3.1: Introduction
Science Understanding
- Organic compounds can be represented by molecular and structural formulae.
- Determine the molecular formula of an organic compound given its extended, condensed, or skeletal structural formula.
- Organic compounds are named systematically to provide unambiguous identification.
- Condensation reactions occur when two organic molecules combine to form a larger molecule, also releasing another small molecule, such as water.
- The physical properties of organic compounds are influenced by the molar masses of the molecules, and the number and polarity of functional groups.
- Predict, explain, and compare the melting points, boiling points, and solubilities in water and in non-polar solvents of organic compounds, given their structural formulae.
Subtopic 3.2: Alcohols
Science Understanding
- Alcohols are classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of alcohols containing:
- Up to eight carbon atoms in the main chain, with side chains limited to a maximum of two carbon atoms
- One or more hydroxyl groups.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of alcohols containing:
- Primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols behave differently with oxidising agents.
- Describe how primary and secondary alcohols can be distinguished from tertiary alcohols by their reaction with acidified dichromate solution.
- Predict the structural formula(e) of the product(s) of oxidation of a primary or secondary alcohol, given its structural formula.
Subtopic 3.3: Aldehydes and ketones
Science Understanding
- Aldehydes and ketones are produced by the oxidation of the corresponding primary and secondary alcohols respectively.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of aldehydes and ketones containing:
- Up to eight carbon atoms in the main chain, with side chains limited to a maximum of two carbon atoms
- One or more aldehyde or ketone groups.
- Aldehydes can be readily oxidised; ketones cannot.
- Draw the structural formula of the oxidation product of a given aldehyde in either acidic or alkaline conditions.
- Describe how acidified dichromate solution and Tollens reagent (ammoniacal silver nitrate solution) can be used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones.
Subtopic 3.4: Carbohydrates
Science Understanding
- Carbohydrates are naturally occurring sugars and their polymers. They are defined as either polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones, or substances that form these compounds on hydrolysis.
- Given its structural formula, determine whether a molecule is a carbohydrate.
- In aqueous solution, monosaccharides exist in an equilibrium between a ring and a chain form.
- Disaccharides and polysaccharides are produced by the condensation of monosaccharide units linked in chains by covalent bonds.
- Write molecular formulae for glucose, and for disaccharides and polysaccharides, based on glucose monomers.
- Draw the structural formulae of the monosaccharide(s), given the structural formula of a disaccharide.
- Identify the repeating unit and draw the structural formula of the monomer, given the structural formula of a section of a polysaccharide.
Subtopic 3.5: Carboxylic acids
Science Understanding
- Carboxylic acids can be produced by the oxidation of aldehydes or primary alcohols.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of carboxylic acids containing:
- Up to eight carbon atoms in the main chain, with side chains limited to a maximum of two carbon atoms
- One or two carboxyl groups.
- Carboxylic acids are weak acids and, to a small extent, ionise in water.
- Write equations for the reactions of carboxylic acids with bases, including hydroxides, carbonates, and hydrogencarbonates, to form carboxylate salts, and describe changes that accompany these reactions.
- Explain why sodium and potassium carboxylate salts are more soluble in water than their parent carboxylic acids.
Subtopic 3.6: Amines
Science Understanding
- Amines are classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of primary amines containing:
- Up to eight carbon atoms in the main chain, with side chains limited to a maximum of two carbon atoms
- One or more amino groups.
- Amines act as bases.
- Draw the structural formula of the protonated form of an amine, given the structural formula of its molecular form, and vice versa.
- Explain why the protonated form of an amine is more soluble in water than its parent molecular amine.
Subtopic 3.7: Esters
Science Understanding
- Carboxylic acids undergo condensation reactions with alcohols to form esters.
- Identify, name systematically, and draw structural formulae of methyl and ethyl esters of acids containing up to eight carbon atoms in the main chain, with side chains limited to a maximum of two carbon atoms.
- Draw the structural formula of the ester that could be produced by the condensation reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol, given their structural formulae or vice versa.
- Draw the structural formula of a polyester, given the structural formula(e) of the monomer(s) or vice versa.
- Condensation reactions are slow at 25°C.
- Explain the use of heating under reflux, and the use of a trace of concentrated sulfuric acid in the laboratory preparation of esters.
- Esters may be hydrolysed under acidic or alkaline conditions.
- Identify the products of acidic or alkaline hydrolysis of an ester or polyester, given the appropriate structural formula.
Subtopic 3.8: Amides
Science Understanding
- Carboxylic acids undergo condensation reactions with amines to form amides.
- Draw the structural formula of the amide formed from a carboxylic acid and an amine, given their structural formulae or vice versa.
- Draw the structural formula of a polyamide, given the structural formula(e) of the monomer(s) or vice versa.
- Amides may be hydrolysed under acidic or alkaline conditions.
- Identify the products of acidic or alkaline hydrolysis of an amide or polyamide, given the appropriate structural formula.
Subtopic 3.9: Triglycerides
Science Understanding
- Edible oils and fats are esters of propane-1,2,3-triol (glycerol) and various carboxylic acids.
- Draw the structural formula of an edible oil or fat, given the structural formula(e) of the carboxylic acid(s) from which it is derived.
- Triglycerides can be hydrolysed to produce propane-1,2,3-triol and various carboxylic acids.
- Identify and draw the structural formulae of the alcohol and acid(s) from which a triglyceride is derived, given its structural formula.
- Triglycerides may be saturated or unsaturated.
- Describe and explain the use of a solution of bromine or iodine to determine the degree of unsaturation of a compound. Draw the structural formula of the reaction product.
- Explain how the degree of unsaturation causes differences in the melting points of edible oils and fats.
- Liquid triglycerides can be converted into triglycerides of higher melting point.
- Explain the role of pressure, temperature, and a catalyst in the hydrogenation of liquid triglycerides to form triglycerides of higher melting point.
- Alkaline hydrolysis of triglycerides produces carboxylate ions, which have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.
- Explain how the structure of these carboxylate ions allow them to form micelles in solutions.
- Explain how micelles can dissolve and move non-polar substances through an aqueous medium or vice versa.
Subtopic 3.10: Proteins
Science Understanding
- Proteins are polymers of amino acids.
- Amino acids contain a carboxyl group and an amino group.
- Write the general formula of amino acids and recognise their structural formulae.
- Amino acids have both acidic and basic properties.
- Draw the structural formula of the product formed when an amino acid self-ionises, given its structural formula.
- Amino acids can undergo condensation to form protein chains.
- The amide groups within proteins are also known as ‘peptide links’.
- Draw the structural formula of a section of a protein chain that could be formed from amino acids, given their structural formulae or vice versa.
- The unique spatial arrangement of a protein depends on secondary interactions between sections of the chain and, in aqueous environments, between the chain and water.
- Identify where secondary interactions can occur, given the structural formula of a section of a protein chain.
- The biological function of a protein is a consequence of its spatial arrangement.
- Explain why the biological function of a protein (e.g. an enzyme) may be affected by changes in pH and temperature.

Topic 4: Managing resources
In recent centuries, human consumption of energy and resources has significantly increased due to new technologies and knowledge, bringing both benefits and risks. Chemists contribute to addressing environmental and social concerns, providing strategies for solutions. Students explore the issues caused by human exploitation of Earth's resources and ways to mitigate them, with practical investigations like fermentation, bio-diesel production, and comparing energy from various fuels.
They study energy resources, including fossil and renewable fuels, and the role of electrical energy in utilising intermittent sources like sunlight. Additionally, they examine natural and synthetic materials and the challenges and benefits of recycling.
Subtopic 4.1: Energy
Science Understanding
- Photosynthesis and respiration are important processes in the cycling of carbon and oxygen on Earth.
- In photosynthesis the light energy absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in carbohydrates such as glucose.
- Describe and write the equation for photosynthesis.
- The chemical energy present in carbohydrates can be accessed by respiration and combustion.
- Describe and write the equation for the aerobic respiration of glucose.
- Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) have been formed over geological time scales by anaerobic decomposition of dead organisms. They are considered to be non-renewable because reserves are depleted more quickly than they are formed.
- Carbon-based fuels provide energy and are feed stock for the chemical industry.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using carbon-based fuels as sources of heat energy, compared with their use as feedstock.
- Renewable energy is generated over time scales of years to decades, from sources that are replenished much more quickly than fossil fuels.
- Identify biofuels, such as bioethanol and biodiesel, sunlight, and wind as renewable energy sources.
- Compare the contributions of fossil fuels to global warming with those from renewable energy sources.
- Biofuels are produced by present-day biological processes.
- Describe the production, from biological materials, of bioethanol and biodiesel, including the writing of chemical equations for the reactions involved.
- Explain how fossil fuels contribute more than biofuels to global warming.
- The complete combustion of fuels containing carbon and hydrogen produces carbon dioxide and water and energy.
- Write thermochemical equations for the complete combustion of fuels in which the only products are carbon dioxide and water.
- Incomplete combustion, producing carbon (soot) and carbon monoxide, is more likely with longer-chain carbon-based fuels.
- Explain why incomplete combustion is more likely with longer-chain carbon-based fuels than with shorter chains.
- Discuss the undesirable consequences of incomplete combustion.
- The energy released in combustion of fuels can be determined experimentally.
- Use experimental data to determine the enthalpy of combustion of a fuel.
- Undertake thermochemical calculations involving enthalpy changes and temperature changes of a specified mass of water given the necessary data.
- Fuels, including fossil fuels and biofuels, can be compared in terms of their energy output and the nature of products of combustion.
- Calculate the quantities of heat evolved per mole, per gram, and per litre (for liquids) for the complete combustion of fuels.
- Compare fuels given appropriate data.
- Although most electricity is generated using fuels to drive steam turbines, electrical energy can be also be generated using photovoltaic cells (known as solar cells) and directly from oxidation of fuels using galvanic cells.
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of direct electricity generation (photovoltaic and fuel cells) compared to using steam turbines.
- Fuel cells, including flow cells, are galvanic cells in which the electrode reactants are available in continuous supply.
- State the advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells compared with other galvanic cells.
- Identify the anode and cathode and their charges, as well as the direction of ion and electron flow, in a fuel cell, given sufficient information.
- Write electrode half-equations for a fuel cell given sufficient information.
- Discuss the advantages of flow cells compared with other fuel cells.
- Hydrogen is a fuel that is produced from fossil fuels, biomass, or water.
- Compare the benefits of producing hydrogen from each of these three sources.
- Describe the benefits of using hydrogen, rather than fossil fuels, as a fuel.
Subtopic 4.2: Water
Science Understanding
- Water from different sources is treated with different methods depending on its origin and intended use.
- Suspended matter is commonly removed from water by flocculation and coagulation, followed by sedimentation and filtration.
- The surface of fine silicate and aluminosilicate particles in clays is negatively charged and can be flocculated into larger particles by the addition of salts containing highly charged cations such as aluminium ions or polymers.
- Explain the use of aluminium ions and polymers in flocculating clay particles suspended in water.
- Hard water contains high concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Hard water renders soaps less effective and causes build-up of precipitates.
- Natural and modified zeolites can be used in the purification and softening of water, through the exchange of cations.
- Explain the use of zeolites in water softeners.
- Reverse osmosis is a filtration technique whereby water is forced, under pressure, through a semi-permeable membrane.
- Explain how reverse osmosis produces potable water from saline water.
- Desalination is a process used to remove minerals from saline water to produce fresh potable water. Reverse osmosis and thermal distillation are two widely used methods for desalination.
- Describe the disadvantages of using desalination for the production of potable water.
- Hypochlorous acid, chlorine, and hypochlorites are oxidisers used for water disinfection.
- Explain the effect of pH on the equilibrium between chlorine and water, and hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid.
Subtopic 4.3: Soil
Science Understanding
- Plants require nutrients, which they obtain from the soil.
- Explain why plants need soil nutrients in soluble form.
- Soil productivity is related to the availability of plant nutrients, which need to be replenished naturally or by the addition of fertilisers.
- Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the major nutrients that plants require from the soil.
- Explain how natural processes (including lightning, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and decay) replenish soil nitrogen.
- Explain why fertilisers are required to improve the productivity of some soils.
- Excess nitrogen and phosphorus can be leached from soils and can cause eutrophication in water bodies.
- Explain the process and consequences of eutrophication.
- Silicon dioxide, silicates, and aluminosilicates are important components of rocks and soils.
- Write the formula of the anion given the formula of a silicate or aluminosilicate.
- Cations adsorbed on the surface of soil silicates and aluminosilicates are in equilibrium, and can be exchanged with, the cations in soil water, which are available as sources of plant nutrients.
- Soil silicates and aluminosilicates are able to adsorb H+ and release cations.
- Explain how cations on the surface of soil silicates and aluminosilicates become available to plants.
- Nutrient cations on the surface of soil silicates and aluminosilicates are replaced if the concentrations of H+ or Na+ in soil water become too high.
- Explain how acidic or saline conditions (i.e. high concentrations of H+ or Na+) deplete the nutrient value of soils.
Subtopic 4.4: Materials
Science Understanding
- Polymers are produced from monomers by addition or condensation reactions.
- Identify whether a molecule could undergo polymerisation, given its structural formula and, if so, the type of polymerisation.
- Identify a polymer as being the product of an addition polymerisation or a condensation polymerisation, given its structural formula.
- Identify the repeating unit of a polymer, given its structural formula.
- The production of synthetic polymers allows the manufacture of materials with a diverse range of properties.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic polymers.
- Compare the effects of heating on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.
- Organic polymers can have different properties, such as rigidity, depending on the monomers and the degree of cross-linking between chains.
- Compare the physical properties of polymers with different degrees of cross-linking and secondary interactions between polymer chains.
- Polymers can be made from fossil resources or from renewable materials.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making polymers from fossil resources or from renewable materials.
- Some polymers are biodegradable — being able to be broken down by microorganisms and other living things.
- Explain how the structure of a polymer relates to its biodegradability.
- Explain the advantages of polymers that are biodegradable.
- The occurrence of metals in combined or uncombined form in the Earth’s crust is related to the reactivity of the metal.
- The production of some metals requires the conversion of minerals to a form suitable for reduction.
- Explain, with the aid of equations, the methods designed for the conversion of a mineral to a metal, given sufficient information.
- The method used in the reduction stage in the production of a metal is related to the reactivity of the metal and the energy requirement for the reaction.
- Given the position of a metal in the activity series of metals:
- Predict whether the metal is likely to occur in nature in a combined or uncombined form.
- Predict and explain the likely method of reduction of the metal compound, including electrolysis of the molten compound, electrolysis of an aqueous solution of the metal compound, and use of carbon as a reducing agent.
- Explain the benefits of one method of reduction compared with another, given relevant information.
- Electrolytic cells are used to produce required substances.
- Identify the anode and cathode and their charges, as well as the direction of ion and electron flow in an electrolytic cell, given sufficient information.
- Write electrode half-equations for an electrolytic cell, given sufficient information.
- There is a finite amount of materials on Earth. Materials that can be recycled reduce the amount of new materials that need to be produced from the Earth’s crust.
- Explain the advantages of recycling materials.
- Some objects are difficult to recycle.
- Explain the difference in the ease of recycling thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.
- Composite materials comprise two or more constituent materials to produce a material with properties different from the individual components.
- Explain the uses of composite materials in terms of the advantages offered.
- Explain the difficulties associated with recycling materials and objects comprising two or more different materials with different properties.
💡Study tip! Organise your notes by the headers and sub-headers in the syllabus. This ensures you cover everything that could be on the exam and keeps your notes super organised.
SACE Chemistry Examination Format At a Glance
Key Points to Remember:
- The exam tests both knowledge and application
- Questions may integrate multiple topics
- Regular practice with different question types is essential
- Understanding of real-world applications is important
- Time management during the exam is crucial
What Does an 'A' Grade Look Like in SACE Chemistry?
The following table outlines the performance standards for achieving an 'A' grade in SACE Chemistry across two main assessment criteria:
💡Take notes efficiently and effectively using these tips!
How to Revise for Your SACE Chemistry Exam
Weekly Revision Schedule
- Monday: Content review of one major topic
- Tuesday: Practice calculations and problem-solving
- Wednesday: Data analysis and practical knowledge
- Thursday: Past paper questions
- Friday: Review weak areas identified during the week
- Weekend: Complete practice exam and review mistakes
Essential Exam Preparation Tips
- Always refer to the periodic table and formula sheet during practice
- Complete at least 3 full practice exams under timed conditions
- Create a glossary of chemistry terms and concepts
- Practice explaining concepts both verbally and in writing
- Form study groups to discuss complex concepts
- Review all school assessment tasks and note areas for improvement
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
- Don't just memorise - understand the underlying concepts
- Don't skip the fundamentals - they form the basis for complex topics
- Don't ignore the importance of correct units and significant figures
- Don't forget to show all working in calculations
- Don't neglect Science as Human Endeavour topics
- Don't leave practice papers until the last minute
💡Check out these scientifically proven strategies to improve how you study!
Common Mistakes to Avoid in SACE Chemistry
Critical Exam Day Mistakes to Avoid:
- Before the Exam
- Not bringing required equipment
- Arriving late or rushed
- Last-minute cramming
- Not checking exam venue
- During the Exam
- Not reading questions carefully
- Missing multiple parts in questions
- Skipping planning time
- Not using reference materials provided
- Answer Presentation
- Illegible handwriting
- Disorganised responses
- Missing units/sig figs
- Unclear working out
- Use the periodic table and formula sheet effectively
- Follow marking rubrics carefully
- Address all components of questions
- Demonstrate understanding, don't just state facts
- Link concepts across different topics
- Show clear reasoning in all answers
Link to Past Papers
Why Past Papers Are Your Best Revision Tool for SACE Chemistry
Past papers are an invaluable resource for SACE Chemistry revision. Here's why they're so effective:
Important Cautions When Using Past Papers
⚠️ Take Note:
- Syllabus Changes
- Some older papers may contain obsolete topics
- Check current syllabus against paper content
- Focus on papers from last 5 years
- Verify topics are still relevant
- Format Evolution
- Question styles may have evolved
- Mark allocations might differ
- Reference materials may have changed
- Double-check current exam structure
- Topic Emphasis
- Weighting of topics can change
- New areas may be introduced
- Some topics may be phased out
- Verify current topic priorities
Best Practices for Past Paper Revision
- Systematic Approach
- Start with topic-based questions
- Progress to full papers
- Time yourself strictly
- Review all mistakes thoroughly
- Strategic Use
- Do some papers open-book first
- Graduate to exam conditions
- Save some papers for final revision
- Use others for topic practice
- Effective Review
- Analyse all errors
- Understand mark scheme requirements
- Practice improving responses
- Track progress over time
❗Remember: While past papers are extremely valuable, they should be part of a comprehensive revision strategy that includes understanding concepts, practising calculations, and reviewing practical work.
SACE Chemistry Exam: Week Of, Night Before, and Day Of Tips
During the 130-Minute Exam
Essential Equipment Checklist
✓ Black/blue pens
✓ Calculator (approved type)
✓ Ruler
✓ Pencils for graphs
✓ Eraser
✓ Clear water bottle
✓ Student ID
✓ Watch (for time management)
Key Exam Room Strategies
- Using Reference Materials
- Keep periodic table accessible
- Tab frequently used formulas
- Know where to find key information
- Practice quick reference skills
- Calculation Approach
- Write all steps clearly
- Include units in working
- Circle or box final answers
- Double-check significant figures
- Written Responses
- Use correct terminology
- Structure answers logically
- Include relevant equations
- Link to practical examples
Emergency Tips
- If stuck, move on and return later
- If time runs short, write key points in bullet form
- If confused by a question, break it down into parts
- If calculations seem wrong, note assumptions and continue
Need Extra Support?
If you're finding certain concepts challenging or want to ensure you're fully prepared for the exam, consider working with a SACE Chemistry tutor. A qualified tutor can provide personalised strategies, help identify your knowledge gaps, and give you focused practice on challenging topics while ensuring you stay aligned with the current SACE curriculum requirements.
💡Remember: The SACE Chemistry exam tests your understanding and application of concepts, not just memorisation. Stay calm, work systematically, and trust your preparation!
Good luck!